KVG College of Engineering

"POSH Act: The POSH Act has been enacted with the objective of preventing and protecting women against workplace sexual harassment and to ensure effective redressal of complaints of sexual harassment. The statute aims at providing every woman (irrespective of her age or employment status) a safe, secure and dignified working environment, free from all forms of harassment. The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 is a legislative act in India that seeks to protect women from sexual harassment at their place of work. It was passed by the Lok Sabha on 3 September 2012. It was passed by the Rajya Sabha on 26 February 2013."

For this purpose, sexual harassment includes such unwelcome sexually determined behavior (whether directly or by implication) as:

  • Physical contact and advances;
  • A demand or request for sexual favors
  • Sexually colored remarks
  • Showing pornography
  • Any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct of sexual nature. The college has taken various initiatives to support the Students, Teaching and Non-teaching Staff in the campus. In order to have the best learning and working experience and as per the Law, the college has taken all care to protect and safeguard the students and the employees from any acts of sexual harassment and provide an environment free of gender based discrimination.

The Committee against Sexual Harassment is formed as part of a larger institutional framework for the creation of a safe campus with utmost focus towards gender equity. The Committee’s chief mandate includes considering complaints or grievances in relation to sexual harassment offences committed on campus and awareness-raising.

It’s important that awareness and sensitization are crucial to preventing sexual harassment. The Committee conducts sensitization aimed at facilitating respectful interaction between genders. The present Committee consists of 5 members. There is a separate anti sexual harassment squad with representation from all the departments to ensure the smooth affairs with regard to working of the committee.

SI. No    Role Designation
1 Principal Chairman
2 Senior position –woman Convener
3 Member from NGO/social worker/legal back ground External member
4 Legal knowledge /social work/Men/women related work Employee member
5 Legal knowledge /social work/Men/women related work Employee member

College Internal Complaint Committee/ Anti-sexual Harassment Committee for the year 2021-22:

SI. No    Name Positon Phone
1 Dr. Suresha V, Principal Chairperson 8310992434
2 Dr. Bhagya H K, Professor, E&C Dept., Dean Hostel Convener 9482622635
3 Ms. Divya A K,Associate Professor, CS&E Dept. Secretary 8197242026
4 Mr. G R Ravishanker,Advocate Member from the NGO 9448489722
5 Dr. Ujwal U J, CEO,KVGCE, Prof.& HOD, CS&E Employee member 9448414141
6 Dr. Umashanker K S, Professor & HOD, Mech. Dept. Employee member 9448445654

  • The complainant will have to submit a written and signed complaint addressed to the convener of the Cell.
  • The counselor will call the complainant for a personal meeting, usually within a week from the submission of the written complaint
  • The members of the Cell will discuss the complaint
  • If the case falls outside the purview of the Cell, the complaint will be informed to the Principal
  • If the case comes under the purview of the Cell, an enquiry committee will be set up
  • The Committee will submit a report and recommend the nature of action to be taken at the earliest (not exceeding ten days)

Report of “Swaraksha- A Self Defence Workshop for Woman”

A program on “SWARAKSHA- A SELF DEFENCE WORKSHOP FOR WOMAN” was organizedby KVGCE NSS unit in College auditorium on 2nd November 2022. Mr. Karthik Kateel, CEO and founder, Swaraksha Woman Trust conducted the self defense training. Mr. Kateel began the session by highlighting that the eyes, abdomen, ears, nose etc. are weak points to attack for self-defense. He along with his mother Mrs. Shobhalatha, demonstrated various instances of harassment woman face in the society and also the way to tackle them. He also demonstrated few self defense klicks. Mr. Kateel gave many instructions for using social media and prevention from social media hacking, misuses and security issues. Dr. Umashankar K S, Dean Academics, Prof and Head Dept. of Mechanical Engineering have presidential address. Miss. Kavyashree and Miss. Sanjana prayed the almighty. Dr. Bhagya H K, Chairman, CICC, KVGCE delivered the welcome speech. Dr. Bhagya H K, Chairman, CICC, KVGCE introduced the chief guest and resource person of the day. Prof. Divya A K, Secretory, CICC, KVGCE, delivered the vote of thank. Prof. Aruna P G was the master of the ceremony. All the lady staffs and students and the members of CICC, KVGCE participated in an enthusiastic manner. The program was followed by refreshment.

KVG College of Engineering, Sullia College Internal Complaint Committee (CICC) International Women’s Day Celebration 2022-23

The International Women’s Day was celebrated at college auditorium on 8th March, 2023 Wednesday at 2.00 PM. Mrs. Rama Y K, Rtd. Principal NMPU College, Aranthodu, was the chief guest. She has delivered the necessity of International Woman’s Day celebration during this function. This is the special day for all woman. Because it is an International woman’s day. The purpose of celebrating this day is help forge a gender equal world. It celebrates woman’s achievements with increasing visibility while calling out inequality. It is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of woman. IMD is day to celebrate activists on a global level, raising awareness of their work and the challenges they face.

Session on (i) Women’s Safety and (ii) Health hygiene and stress management for women

The international women’s Day was celebrated on 9'h of March 2020 at K.V.G. College of Engineering, Sullia, D.K , in the college auditorium at 3.00 p.m. Dr. Saigeetha Jnanesh, Chief Medical Officer, Garden Hospital, KFDC Ltd., Sullia and Mr. Shivaramu D, ASI, Law and order, Sullia Police station were the guests Of the day.

Miss. Bhagyashree of 4t" semester E&C invoked the God almighty and the guests inaugurated the programme by lighting the lamp. Mrs. Bhagya H.K, Chairman of CICC welcomed all. Dr. Saigeetha Jnanesh spoke on the “Health and stress management for women” and Mr. Shivaramu D, gave awareness talk on “Women safety”.Dr. N.A. Jnanesh, Pi incipal KVGCE, Sullia presided over the function. Dr. Keshaveni N, Secretary CICC delivered the vote of thanks. Dr. Shreedhar K. vice principal, KVGCE and office bearers of CICC was pre sent on the occasion. Mrs. Shruthi P J. Member of CICC and Sushmitha Wagle, Student member CICC were the Masters of ceremony. About 200 women including staff and students attended the programme. At the end of the programme sweets were distributed to all.

Session on ((i) “Breast & Ovarian cancer Detection and treatment (ii) Menstrual Problems and Use & Advantages of Menstrual Cups”

The International Women’s Day was celebrated at college auditorium on 8th March, 2022 Tuesday at 3.30 PM. Dr. Geeta J Doppa, Professor and Head Department of OBG, KVG Medical College and Hospital, Sullia was the chief guest and resource person of the day. An awareness talk was given to the lady teaching and non teaching staffs and students of the institution. The talk included information regarding menstrual problems, infections, anemia, healthy diet, PCOD, Breast and ovarian cancer predetection and treatment, HPV vaccination, menopause and stress management. Miss. Nagashree and Miss. Anusha prayed the almighty. Prof. Shruthi P J, secretary, CICC, KVGCE delivered the welcome speech. Prof. Divya A K, member, CICC, KVGCE introduced the chief guest and resource person of the day. Prof. Bhagya H K, Chairman, CICC, KVGCE, presided the function. Prof. Ashwija K C delivered the vote of thank. Prof. Aruna P G was the master of the ceremony. All the lady staffs and students and the members of CICC, KVGCE participated in an enthusiastic manner. The program was followed by cultural events by the students and refreshment was also provided.