(Deputed to VTU)
A student is successful if the knowledge imparted in the engineering education and the skills developed by him can be effectively utilized in his life after his education and is able to contribute to the society and the socio-economic development of the country.
Chemistry is the science that deals with composition of materials, their structures and properties, the transformations they undergo, and the energy changes that accompany these transformations. The goal of engineering chemistry department is to provide broad as well as fundamental knowledge of theoretical, applied and experimental chemistry to the budding engineers to enable them to embark on professional careers of their choice and also to become an outstanding centre for research and developmental activities.
The department offers PhD programme in chemistry 6 research scholars awarded PhD during the last 3 years and 5 research scholars are pursuing doctoral degree from VTU. The project with a budget of 30 lakhs was sanctioned to Dr. H. R. Shivakumar, Prof. & Head by VGST, Govt. of Karnataka for carrying out research on polymer composites is under progress. The new instruments like Universal Testing Machine (UTM), Impact and Wear testing machines and FTIR Spectrophotometer procured to the research centre under this project grant.
A project with a budget of 7.8 lakhs sanctioned by VTU and a BRNS project with a budget of 17 lakhs sanctioned by the Department of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India are successfully completed. Chemistry department is also offering consultancy services in UTM, Wear and Impact testing for polymer composites. The department has highly qualified and well experienced faculty.
Mrs. Surekha M. has 16 years of teaching experience and is actively involved in conductivity and ultrasonic research. She has published 4 research paper in reputed international journal. Mr Vivek Padpu working as Assistant Professor since 6 years. He is involved in the research work in the field of nanotechnology. Mr. Sujay M. M., working as the instrument lab specialist in Center for Multidisciplinary Research in Advanced Materials and Technology(CRAMT). He has published one research paper in reputed international journal. Mr. Sathish 1.B. and Mr. Honnappa P. are working as supporting staff in the department.
Facilities and Resources: Digital viscometer, Digital Ultrasonic Interferometer, Double beam UV-VIS spectrophotometer, 4 & S5digit electronic balances with computer and density kit, Flame Photometer, Digital Conductivity meter/TDS meter, Titanium graphite electrodes, Graphite anode, Colorimeter, Digital pH/Potentiometer, De-ionizer, Distillation plant, Hot air oven, IR Lamp, Centrifuge, Magnetic stirrer, Sonicator, Dielectric constant meter and computers with internet facility.
Dr. Surekha M
Associate Professor(HOD Incharge) B.Sc,M.Sc,Ph.D
Prof. Soumya M K
Assistant Professor

Dr. Surekha M
Associate Professor(HOD Incharge)B.Sc,M.Sc,Ph.D

Prof. Soumya M K
Assistant Professor
Mr. Satisha I B
Mr. Honnappa P

Mr. Satisha I B
Mr. Honnappa P
Sr.Attender"Making Engineering students to develop the mathematical thinking and applying it to solve complex engineering problems, designing mathematical modeling for systems involving global level technology."
To impart quality technical education to the students, to expose them to the recent developments, to motivate them towards success and prepare them to face the future challenges with confidence and courage. To encourage students to present Mathematical papers in Symposium and Conferences organized both inside the campus and outside.