The International Women’s Day was celebrated at college auditorium on 8th March, 2022 Tuesday at 3.30 PM. Dr. Geeta J Doppa, Professor and Head Department of OBG, KVG Medical College and Hospital, Sullia was the chief guest and resource person of the day. An awareness talk was given to the lady teaching and non teaching staffs and students of the institution. The talk included information regarding menstrual problems, infections, anemia, healthy diet, PCOD, Breast and ovarian cancer predetection and treatment, HPV vaccination, menopause and stress management. Miss. Nagashree and Miss. Anusha prayed the almighty. Prof. Shruthi P J, secretary, CICC, KVGCE delivered the welcome speech. Prof. Divya A K, member, CICC, KVGCE introduced the chief guest and resource person of the day. Prof. Bhagya H K, Chairman, CICC, KVGCE, presided the function. Prof. Ashwija K C delivered the vote of thank. Prof. Aruna P G was the master of the ceremony. All the lady staffs and students and the members of CICC, KVGCE participated in an enthusiastic manner. The program was followed by cultural events by the students and refreshment was also provided.
Session on ((i) “Breast & Ovarian cancer Detection and treatment (ii) Menstrual Problems and Use & Advantages of Menstrual Cups”